Posted in Topic 1

A personal reflection

Topic 1 is over. I repeat after months of hair pulling moments and a copious amount of Google searches and YouTube tutorials later Topic 1 is over.

Although relieved I’m somewhat saddened by the news that what appears to have become the bane of my life for the past few months is over. Finding myself submerged in an online world I thought I knew so much about I soon realised how wrong I was. Facebook, Twitter and Skype being the somewhat extensive list of social platforms I use I quickly found myself surrounded by a multitude of tabs on how to use WordPress. It comes as no surprise that I was over come with joy when I finally navigated myself to module blog that allowed me to view my fellow colleagues WordPress pages (music to my YouTube tutorial drowned out ears). A visual learner I found being able to see my colleague’s blogs a powerful visual aid in creating my WordPress page. Not only have I been able to use my colleague’s blogs as a visual aid but as a basis for discussions, comparisons and reflections.




Third year Bsc Education student at the University of Southampton and Supermarket Assistant at Waitrose

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